I do really love my boyfriend's dog..he just gets on my nerves.....but at the end of the day being without him wouldn't be an option because I'm in too deep and I would miss him oh so very much...
Life experiences of a First Time Mom, a growing relationship, and taking everything one day at a time!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Second Thought
Well I do love my boyfriend so much and his dog...our dog...my dog...is annoying but I love him too very much. I like it when he cuddles up beside me when I'm sleeping because my boyfriend is at work or when I cry and he whines with me...some how that is so soothing. Its really cute too because he'll knock me with his nose and try to lick my face so that I'll stop crying. Usually its not anything major..I just tend to get emotional sometimes.
No kids
OMG!! Okay I love my boyfriend...he is amazing....but HIS DOG!!! OMG!! He is so damn annoying!! He gets on my damn nerves and he reminds me everyday of how NOT ready for kids I am. Yet I ask myself will I ever be ready for kids....assuming some people are not READY to be parents but things do happen.
Let's talk about this. His dog wakes us up around 7 or 8, even if we walked him really late the night before, it doesn't matter. He just wants us to woke up because HE feels its time for us to get up. This is SOOO annoying because if we had a late night, there is no sleeping in; well for my boyfriend yes because he can sleep through anything, but for me..NOPE! The dog will whine for NO DAMN REASON...just follow me around the house whining because he wants attention. He wont let me sleep because he is whining to get me to allow him to sleep in the bed. Just so damn spoiled!
Its just so hard sometimes because I care about my boyfriend and I enjoying being around his dog...sometimes...but a full time thing...is just not going to work right now for me. I know I'm selfish and really trying to do me, so that's why this is such a big problem for me. I need to be less selfish, but he is so annoying. He talks or does what he call "talking." He'll try so hard to talk to us when he is aggravated or bored, I just laugh and ask him to speak English since he wants to be heard. Those with pets may understand what I mean about the "talking" its just so strange, but at times so annoying. And it's crazy cuz I LOVE DOGS!! Thats all I've ever had my whole life, but this dog is spoiled beyond recognition. He'll whine if we don't share our food and sometimes he'll start barking at us! Can't even have anything romantic or sweet cuz he has to be in the mix or he'll start howling.
I need someone to just pray for me cuz PMSing right now and dealing with this dog is not going well.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wow...things have really being picking up for me!!
So I have to hurry up and finish my test online so that I can start my training to become an assistant manager! I know exciting right?!? Well our computer is so sad at work, which means its going to take me longer to finish my test! The computer will freeze half way though my test or it'll keep repeating the same slides over and over again. Sometimes I reset the computer and other times I just give up!! This has been happening over the course of 3 weeks! I still have 8 more test to complete...I'll get it done!!
My love life has really been going in the right direction as well. We still have some bumps here and there but they have been far in between, which has made everything feel heaven like. Lately I've been reconnecting with some of my old friends. I've learned that I am very blessed to have such an understanding boyfriend, who is willing to work out any problem.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Let's Talk
I guess it doesn't take long for a person's true colors to show.....

Another friend of mine has seen the flaws that pushed me away from a mutual friend of ours. Now I know that we all have our own set of problems that make us the person we are today. Some of us are just naturally selfish while others are merely cocky. Either way there are things about us that either we choose to change or we just don't put forth the energy to see that we need to change something about ourselves. So she calls me up and just tells me whats been going on. How things have progressed from good to devastating. She was very upset and angery; which was very understanding since she got tried at work (which is a no no...never bring your personal trash into a professional environment) I listened to her because I knew what she was going through. It was weird listening at first because the things she said sounded so much like me...well things that I had said to my boyfriend..since at the time he was the only one I could really talk to about the situation. She told me how she was being treated and how she was being talked to. I wasn't very surprised but I was that things progressed enough to have an effect on her job. Yet we ended the conversation on a good note and she feels much better about the outcome of their friendship or lack of.

See in my situation I guess I should have seen the trend of past fallouts that our mutual friend had been into with other females. This probably should have been my first sign or red flag. I, at the time was just too naive and didn't pay any attention. I'm glad that I have distanced myself from her because my life has been moving in a positive direction! I don't have her negative pull on my life nor her thoughts of dreadful future.
I guess things really do happen for a reason and that call I got just showed me that I wasn't wrong in my decision to let that friendship go.....
Monday, April 12, 2010
Just Another Day

OMG, working out gives you motivation because you see people and feel like "Dang I really don't want to look like that...let me do ten more minutes" or "DANG, I need to add 10 more minutes on so I can look like THAT!!" Well at least thats how it is for me! Today was a pretty good work out though, I actually just did some cardio, which I need to do. I was told thats how I can get rid of this baby fat (can I really still call it baby fat even though I'm 23...well I am)!!
Let me tell you about work last night! Haha! Sorry its just funny thinking about it. So this man comes in and wants to put a $1.00 on pump number 9 because his car broke down some where down the street. Side Note: He is carrying and waving around a McDonald's Large Sweet Tea Cup while talking to me. So I take the money and put it on the pump and ask him "Sir, I don't believe you can use that cup to put gas in", He just waves me off and continues out the door. So my fellow employee and I watch out the window as this man attempts to put this gas in this foam McDonald's cup! It begins to flow and that cup got ate UP by that gas!! Haha He begin to wave the cup around and throw it on the ground. He started looking through the trash and found...ANOTHER McDonald's Large Sweet Tea Cup. He placed the nozzle in the cup and once again for the SECOND time the cup got ATE up by the gas!! He throw both cups in the trash and begin digging in the trash can. He finally found a gallon jug and filled that up..it worked! Oh how my customers provided me with such entertainment...I just thought I would share!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Re-Connect and Make Moves

The day has really been laid back, which is how I like my Sundays to be! This weekend was wonderful though! I re-connected with some friends that I had lost contact with since my other room mate and I exchanged some words. My boyfriend and I meet up with my roomie at this place called Down Under. I never knew that place existed and I had a lot of fun!! It was for EJ's mixtape release and birthday celebration all rolled into one. I introduced my boyfriend and everyone was like "Oh this is who you are with all the time." Haha yes yes this is him! :) We really enjoyed ourselves and had a wonderful time. My roomie, boyfriend, and I took the dance floor and got down. We were mostly goofying off and making up our own little dances. It was nice to be out since I don't usually get to go out that much. I'm so tired all the time due to working and school. Saturday night was great as well, since my boyfriend and I attended the Kappa Psi Psi Ball. It felt like Prom but college (if that makes since). Everyone was dressed up and looked very elegant. I wore a tight black dress similar to the picture but not exactly while my boyfriend worn some black slacks with a very nice collared shirt and tie plus a jacket. I mingled and chat with some of the females there and everyone was really nice. It was a warm atmosphere and everyone was just having fun. I saw a few people that I knew and meet plenty of new ones as well.
Yet when it was all done, I felt like I was really missed by my friends at Down Under. I mean I know that things were said and done but they were actually very happy to see me and I was happy to see them too! We hugged and got caught up with whats been really going on in our lives. It felt good and I'm happy that I went. I'm just glad I made the choice to go to both events because it got us out of our cycle and it was nice to be out in such a relaxed atmosphere.
I hope you had a great weekend too!! Now time to get back to school work and ready for these last few weeks of school.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hummm, kinda stuffy and my head feels like its under water! I keep having to swallow so hard, because my throat feels...funny. I actually don't know whats going on with my body any more these days. I think I have allergies, but now I'm not too sure. I could be getting sick because there is something going around, which would totally sux since the semester is almost over and I really need to study now!! Colds come at the worse times.
Besides that, today should be a great day! I'm going to make it a great day by smiling..even though I don't feel like it. There is research that that actually does help! The past few days have been a big blur, I didn't do much but study some here and there and play farmville on facebook. I'm beginning to slow down on facebook farmville, but they have this new thing called co-opt, which is so cool. So I've been on that for a while, trying to recruit people to help me grow some crops! I'm almost done with one and I'm just so thrilled! I'll update you on my progress!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
EX marks the Spot

I must study!! I really must, well I have been studying some but I need to step things up. My exam is tomorrow and its so much information! OMG! I'll get it most, big emphasis on most, of the information absorbed but not ALL of it.
Well the issue at hand is that my ex is having a party this Saturday to celebrate his birthday. Now normally I just wouldn't go and just chill-out at home, but I kind of actually want to go. Yet I don't want my current boyfriend to get upset or anything. He told me that he feels some type of way about him, but its a party! I mean its going to be tons of people so the likely hood of us having much interaction isn't even going to be in the equation. I'll go and sip on some great drinks and bring it back home...after all I do have work Sunday morning at 6am!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I Choose....That One

Someone should have really told me that Love involves you putting work in. You can't think of yourself all the time and you have to be the bigger person in majority of the situations. Now in all actuality, it may feel like your always stepping to the side in situations when your partner may actually be thinking the same thing to themselves.
I'm at the point where I'm simpling choosing my fights and choosing my arguments. Some are just worthless and will get us no where. Those are the ones that I struggle to just let go, why? I've grown to discover that a part of me likes to be very argumentative, even in the smallest of disagreements. My boyfriend and I have only had two or three real arguments but we surly love having tiny disagreements. I like to think of arguments as being so violent, while disagreements just well it sounds better less serious! haha anyway I find myself just sighing to myself and just taking a deep breathe. It really does work and if you find yourself getting worked up, you should really try it! It has saved me from getting into a worthless argument many a time!
Please people just think before you speak and ask yourself....is this something that I really want to stand by? Is it that important to me? If your answer is yes, then by all means stand up and just say what is on your mind; but if it is not....well just take a deep breathe inward and just relax. Relax your voice and calm your nerves; especially if you see yourself being with this person for a long time and I mean a LONG time.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Moving Forward

It's like you can try as hard as you want but at the end of the day no one has any control in what is going to happen. Things change and yes they are suppose to but how well can you adapt to these changes. Well that is the real question at hand.
See for me I personally like change and I welcome it in many aspects of my life because I need a change to happen! I see flaws in myself that I know need to be what...CHANGED! Why I ask Oh Why can't other people see the flaws in themselves and strive to change them!! Is it so hard to say "Yes I need to change A and B about myself so that I can C a difference in my life." I'm assuming that the answer is yes it is hard.
I just hope that one day people would just wake up and welcome change in their life. Especially for those of us who see people everyday that walk around pointing out flaws in everyone else around them, and yet they have more flaws than all the people in the room combined!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Life Upside Down

The day has seem to drift by and I've some what drifted from being terribly excited to unnaturally bland... I guess it has something to do with my friends getting into a car accident as they were headed up here to visit for my birthday. The car flipped three times and they had to crawl out of the back seat window to get out since it settled upside down. Yet I'm just happy that they were not harmed, even though they have some slight scratches from the glass. Its great that they are doing well and just made it out with some bruising as well.
Yet I will say that I do appreciate life and am happy to be getting another year older. Life is so precious and in a second they could have been taken away. Wow thankfully they were not but it does make you ponder. I need to pick my life up and shake it a bit. Change somethings around and make changes for the better. Yes time to take care of myself better and make sure my car is up to date.
I just I have lost that excitement for my birthday...maybe it'll come back to me. Only time will tell.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Count Down
Birthday is coming up in 3 days...OH the excitement..
Nothing spectacular to report or even talk about...it's my spring break and I'm working. Well atleast I'm making that money, gotta save up for LA this summer! YES! And plus I already had a Pre Spring Break when I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras!! Which was GREAT by the way!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mom was Wrong

A stuffy nose, coughing every five minutes and a slight headache due to coughing so much are all the symptoms that my poor boyfriend has. Now I thought it had gotten worse because he went to sleep with his hair wet (he washed it last night), since you're "'Not suppose to sleep with your hair wet'" is something that I often heard growing up. I just knew without a shadow of a doubt that you could get sick if you didn't obey the wet hair rule!
Yet according to WebMd's article: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever? The Truth Behind Mom's Cold and Flu Advice I realized that it wasn't his damp hair that got him sicker...his cold is just running it's course. So I can't go run and blame him for making his self so sick, he was already sick to begin with! I'm assuming the cold is just reaching it's peak and it should lessen as his immune system begins to win the battle! But just between us....I still think that sleeping with wet hair isn't helping your health at all! hehe
So check out the site if you want to see what other myths they expose! Basically in the article they are separating the facts from the myths. Its pretty interesting!

Monday, March 1, 2010
Lovely March

The day has really gone by in a blur....the first day of the best month in the ENTIRE year...next to December that is...MARCH!! Yes beloved March, so I must write something profound or even great! Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have anything.
The day has been filled with sleep, doctor's appointment, studying (more like cramming), exam, eat, and now attempt to study some more. Ewww don't these people know that MY BIRTHDAY (March 11th of course) is coming up soon! I don't want to do anything...nothing at all! Yet I shall because I have to get A's and B's this semester! The life of a college student is never over after one exam.....
Well on a good note, since you asked so nicely I found out that indeed my boyfriend did NOT like my hair! Humm how is that a good thing you may ask, well it just showed me that even though he didn't agree with it, he didn't want to flat out say it, so he choose not to say much about it at all, which in return didn't cause an argument because he said he didn't like it. So a lot of unnecessary talking was avoided. How sweet...I know.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So Not Cute..

Slowing unrolling my hair...I realized that the do was actually kind of cute. (Thats not me in the picture but thats the appearance of my hair in a nut shell Black Hairstyles). My boyfriend walks in the bathroom and says...."That's different." and exits. So that's it...like that's really all he had to say?
Now I know it's no big deal usually when a guy....your guy.... doesn't give you a compliment. But when he knows how much work you put into your hair..washing..semi-blow drying...combing...and the fact that you said this was all new to you! Like you are trying something new out for a change. And he can't even say "Babe..Humm...thats different..curls..I've never seen you with curls before." Even that would have been okay but just "That's different."
I just feel that females put work into how we look and usually how we dress. Even when we don't put in work, we usually look well put together and just cute! Congrats to all my females out there. But I'm just saying...is a compliment that hard to give. Just something nice.....
Sorry just needed to vent real quick..but guys feel free to comment if you have a view on this matter.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Does it Work?
I normally don't speak on relationships so much but it's February...the month of Love!
The interesting thing about relationships is the "what's next" factor. All relationships reach that point... whether both partners are beginning to ask themselves that or merely one. We all want to know.. "Does my relationship have what it takes to turn into a long-term commitment or is this just something to do to pass the time." I've never been one to have a relationship that was "just for fun." I never saw the point in it and I never wanted to just "play relationship" as some people do. (I guess that's why my heart has been broken a few times....I'm hoping the right one has finally come to me) but let me continue.

After ready the article some key words stood out to me "Friendship" and "Communication." These qualities are so important to me because once you have a solid friendship with someone, its so easy to talk to them! You feel more comfortable telling them your fears, weakness, and how you truly feel about different situations. I think they go hand in hand myself. Once your relationship has a strong sense of friendship...the communication should come naturally. I mean best friend type of friendship...The kind that you tell everything to!
If you don't feel that my two qualities are that important then check out the site and see which ones you feel are important to you. Or better yet...which 10 qualities does your relationship have.....all or just some....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Final Choice
Well well well....As a divorce is nearly right around the corner, things take a quick and even though its a slight change from the norm...it has everyone turning heads.
I guess after sometime, people either open their eyes and realize what they are about to lose on or they just give it up all together. Life has a way of showing people what it would be like without a person without actually taking them away completely. A sickness that leaves the person bedridden or an accident that leaves the person in a hospital. Why does it take actions such as these for a person to realize that they need to turn things around or they will be all by themselves. Even though I ask the question "Why" I'm still happy that we do have the opportunity to "see" or "experience" life altered if that person where no longer in it. After that we have the opportunity to either change the future for the better or just decided that life is better without that person. I prefer this slight altered lifestyle rather than having the person completely out of my life by the final way...death.
I'm sure that most of you out there would choose the first way because at least you have a option of fixing the situation and making it better.
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