Another friend of mine has seen the flaws that pushed me away from a mutual friend of ours. Now I know that we all have our own set of problems that make us the person we are today. Some of us are just naturally selfish while others are merely cocky. Either way there are things about us that either we choose to change or we just don't put forth the energy to see that we need to change something about ourselves. So she calls me up and just tells me whats been going on. How things have progressed from good to devastating. She was very upset and angery; which was very understanding since she got tried at work (which is a no no...never bring your personal trash into a professional environment) I listened to her because I knew what she was going through. It was weird listening at first because the things she said sounded so much like me...well things that I had said to my boyfriend..since at the time he was the only one I could really talk to about the situation. She told me how she was being treated and how she was being talked to. I wasn't very surprised but I was that things progressed enough to have an effect on her job. Yet we ended the conversation on a good note and she feels much better about the outcome of their friendship or lack of.

See in my situation I guess I should have seen the trend of past fallouts that our mutual friend had been into with other females. This probably should have been my first sign or red flag. I, at the time was just too naive and didn't pay any attention. I'm glad that I have distanced myself from her because my life has been moving in a positive direction! I don't have her negative pull on my life nor her thoughts of dreadful future.
I guess things really do happen for a reason and that call I got just showed me that I wasn't wrong in my decision to let that friendship go.....
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