Someone should have really told me that Love involves you putting work in. You can't think of yourself all the time and you have to be the bigger person in majority of the situations. Now in all actuality, it may feel like your always stepping to the side in situations when your partner may actually be thinking the same thing to themselves.
I'm at the point where I'm simpling choosing my fights and choosing my arguments. Some are just worthless and will get us no where. Those are the ones that I struggle to just let go, why? I've grown to discover that a part of me likes to be very argumentative, even in the smallest of disagreements. My boyfriend and I have only had two or three real arguments but we surly love having tiny disagreements. I like to think of arguments as being so violent, while disagreements just well it sounds better less serious! haha anyway I find myself just sighing to myself and just taking a deep breathe. It really does work and if you find yourself getting worked up, you should really try it! It has saved me from getting into a worthless argument many a time!
Please people just think before you speak and ask yourself....is this something that I really want to stand by? Is it that important to me? If your answer is yes, then by all means stand up and just say what is on your mind; but if it is not....well just take a deep breathe inward and just relax. Relax your voice and calm your nerves; especially if you see yourself being with this person for a long time and I mean a LONG time.
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