Slowing unrolling my hair...I realized that the do was actually kind of cute. (Thats not me in the picture but thats the appearance of my hair in a nut shell Black Hairstyles). My boyfriend walks in the bathroom and says...."That's different." and exits. So that's it...like that's really all he had to say?
Now I know it's no big deal usually when a guy....your guy.... doesn't give you a compliment. But when he knows how much work you put into your hair..washing..semi-blow drying...combing...and the fact that you said this was all new to you! Like you are trying something new out for a change. And he can't even say "Babe..Humm...thats different..curls..I've never seen you with curls before." Even that would have been okay but just "That's different."
I just feel that females put work into how we look and usually how we dress. Even when we don't put in work, we usually look well put together and just cute! Congrats to all my females out there. But I'm just saying...is a compliment that hard to give. Just something nice.....
Sorry just needed to vent real quick..but guys feel free to comment if you have a view on this matter.
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