The day has really gone by in a blur....the first day of the best month in the ENTIRE year...next to December that is...MARCH!! Yes beloved March, so I must write something profound or even great! Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have anything.
The day has been filled with sleep, doctor's appointment, studying (more like cramming), exam, eat, and now attempt to study some more. Ewww don't these people know that MY BIRTHDAY (March 11th of course) is coming up soon! I don't want to do anything...nothing at all! Yet I shall because I have to get A's and B's this semester! The life of a college student is never over after one exam.....
Well on a good note, since you asked so nicely I found out that indeed my boyfriend did NOT like my hair! Humm how is that a good thing you may ask, well it just showed me that even though he didn't agree with it, he didn't want to flat out say it, so he choose not to say much about it at all, which in return didn't cause an argument because he said he didn't like it. So a lot of unnecessary talking was avoided. How sweet...I know.
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