Wednesday, March 24, 2010

EX marks the Spot

I must study!! I really must, well I have been studying some but I need to step things up. My exam is tomorrow and its so much information! OMG! I'll get it most, big emphasis on most, of the information absorbed but not ALL of it.
Well the issue at hand is that my ex is having a party this Saturday to celebrate his birthday. Now normally I just wouldn't go and just chill-out at home, but I kind of actually want to go. Yet I don't want my current boyfriend to get upset or anything. He told me that he feels some type of way about him, but its a party! I mean its going to be tons of people so the likely hood of us having much interaction isn't even going to be in the equation. I'll go and sip on some great drinks and bring it back home...after all I do have work Sunday morning at 6am!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Choose....That One

Someone should have really told me that Love involves you putting work in. You can't think of yourself all the time and you have to be the bigger person in majority of the situations. Now in all actuality, it may feel like your always stepping to the side in situations when your partner may actually be thinking the same thing to themselves.

I'm at the point where I'm simpling choosing my fights and choosing my arguments. Some are just worthless and will get us no where. Those are the ones that I struggle to just let go, why? I've grown to discover that a part of me likes to be very argumentative, even in the smallest of disagreements. My boyfriend and I have only had two or three real arguments but we surly love having tiny disagreements. I like to think of arguments as being so violent, while disagreements just well it sounds better less serious! haha anyway I find myself just sighing to myself and just taking a deep breathe. It really does work and if you find yourself getting worked up, you should really try it! It has saved me from getting into a worthless argument many a time!

Please people just think before you speak and ask this something that I really want to stand by? Is it that important to me? If your answer is yes, then by all means stand up and just say what is on your mind; but if it is not....well just take a deep breathe inward and just relax. Relax your voice and calm your nerves; especially if you see yourself being with this person for a long time and I mean a LONG time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Moving Forward

It's like you can try as hard as you want but at the end of the day no one has any control in what is going to happen. Things change and yes they are suppose to but how well can you adapt to these changes. Well that is the real question at hand.
See for me I personally like change and I welcome it in many aspects of my life because I need a change to happen! I see flaws in myself that I know need to be what...CHANGED! Why I ask Oh Why can't other people see the flaws in themselves and strive to change them!! Is it so hard to say "Yes I need to change A and B about myself so that I can C a difference in my life." I'm assuming that the answer is yes it is hard.
I just hope that one day people would just wake up and welcome change in their life. Especially for those of us who see people everyday that walk around pointing out flaws in everyone else around them, and yet they have more flaws than all the people in the room combined!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Life Upside Down

The day has seem to drift by and I've some what drifted from being terribly excited to unnaturally bland... I guess it has something to do with my friends getting into a car accident as they were headed up here to visit for my birthday. The car flipped three times and they had to crawl out of the back seat window to get out since it settled upside down. Yet I'm just happy that they were not harmed, even though they have some slight scratches from the glass. Its great that they are doing well and just made it out with some bruising as well.

Yet I will say that I do appreciate life and am happy to be getting another year older. Life is so precious and in a second they could have been taken away. Wow thankfully they were not but it does make you ponder. I need to pick my life up and shake it a bit. Change somethings around and make changes for the better. Yes time to take care of myself better and make sure my car is up to date.

I just I have lost that excitement for my birthday...maybe it'll come back to me. Only time will tell.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Count Down

Birthday is coming up in 3 days...OH the excitement..

Nothing spectacular to report or even talk's my spring break and I'm working. Well atleast I'm making that money, gotta save up for LA this summer! YES! And plus I already had a Pre Spring Break when I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras!! Which was GREAT by the way!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mom was Wrong

A stuffy nose, coughing every five minutes and a slight headache due to coughing so much are all the symptoms that my poor boyfriend has. Now I thought it had gotten worse because he went to sleep with his hair wet (he washed it last night), since you're "'Not suppose to sleep with your hair wet'" is something that I often heard growing up. I just knew without a shadow of a doubt that you could get sick if you didn't obey the wet hair rule!

Yet according to WebMd's article: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever? The Truth Behind Mom's Cold and Flu Advice I realized that it wasn't his damp hair that got him sicker...his cold is just running it's course. So I can't go run and blame him for making his self so sick, he was already sick to begin with! I'm assuming the cold is just reaching it's peak and it should lessen as his immune system begins to win the battle! But just between us....I still think that sleeping with wet hair isn't helping your health at all! hehe

So check out the site if you want to see what other myths they expose! Basically in the article they are separating the facts from the myths. Its pretty interesting!

Enjoy the rest of your day and please take care of yourself! I'm already exposed to enough germs at work by people coughing and everything else...then handing me their money! Gross!! (Picture on the left was found here) So please be nice to who ever you are handing your money or credit/debit card to, don't sneeze or cough in your hand then hand the item to the cleric! Whether you're at a restaurant, hotel, motel, shopping mall, gas station, car dealership....just ANYWHERE! Don't do it please because it is so nasty! Please people ......... let's be nice and kind to others.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lovely March

The day has really gone by in a blur....the first day of the best month in the ENTIRE to December that is...MARCH!! Yes beloved March, so I must write something profound or even great! Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have anything.

The day has been filled with sleep, doctor's appointment, studying (more like cramming), exam, eat, and now attempt to study some more. Ewww don't these people know that MY BIRTHDAY (March 11th of course) is coming up soon! I don't want to do anything...nothing at all! Yet I shall because I have to get A's and B's this semester! The life of a college student is never over after one exam.....

Well on a good note, since you asked so nicely I found out that indeed my boyfriend did NOT like my hair! Humm how is that a good thing you may ask, well it just showed me that even though he didn't agree with it, he didn't want to flat out say it, so he choose not to say much about it at all, which in return didn't cause an argument because he said he didn't like it. So a lot of unnecessary talking was avoided. How sweet...I know.


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