Yep, I am currently pregnant..27 weeks to be exact...and I'm loving it. I mean beside the pregnancy aches and pains, I really do enjoy feeling her moving around in there. Mentally I've been preparing myself for her arrival..oh yes I'm expecting a girl (team purple all the way) as well! :) Her due date is set for July 21st!
My boyfriend has been nothing less than supportive. He rubs my feet, puts lotion on my tummy, and even talks to her. He still feels weird talking to her (my belly), but he's slowly getting the hang of it. I can't believe that I'm almost in my 3rd trimester! Its so close! Many friends have given us baby things already and I'm more than happy to take anything!
Pains...oh yes...pains..well more like pain. My left hip has really started to kick into over drive with this pain. I mean its more like an ache, but it sucks because I'll just walking and my leg will just give out! Definitely not a good look as I'm walking around on campus! My nurse told me that it's common and I just need to stretch and make sure I keep exercising. Actually I'm going to have to start back since I did stop for a while. That might actually be why it has started hurting so seriously. I'll exercise and hopefully it'll help!
To Be (Mom)
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