She's already getting pretty strong. I can feel her movements more and when she kicks..OMG..she kicks!! :) But my sciatic nerve pain was so intense that I couldn't even go to work today. I had to call in and just stay at home. I felt so bad because I had to leave m

y co-worker hanging, but she'll understand. My hip was in so much pain, that I feel at my boyfriends house trying to go to the bathroom. My leg like completely gave out on me. Boss, the do
g, helped me up by letting me support my weight on him. Once done my boyfriend had to lift me up and place me in the bed. He also rolled me over and just basically helped me get comfortable. He was such a huge help and I would have been so miserable if he wasn't there to help me out. My hip feels much better today though. I walked to the store with my friend and I've just been moving a lot better. The nurse sent me some stretches and I plan on doing a few of those before I go to sleep tonight. This hip pain is no joke though, it seriously hurt.
I'm glad I'm feeling much better though. I just hope it doesn't hurt like that tomorrow cuz I gotta go to work and make this MONEY!