Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Let's Talk

I guess it doesn't take long for a person's true colors to show.....

Another friend of mine has seen the flaws that pushed me away from a mutual friend of ours. Now I know that we all have our own set of problems that make us the person we are today. Some of us are just naturally selfish while others are merely cocky. Either way there are things about us that either we choose to change or we just don't put forth the energy to see that we need to change something about ourselves. So she calls me up and just tells me whats been going on. How things have progressed from good to devastating. She was very upset and angery; which was very understanding since she got tried at work (which is a no no...never bring your personal trash into a professional environment) I listened to her because I knew what she was going through. It was weird listening at first because the things she said sounded so much like me...well things that I had said to my boyfriend..since at the time he was the only one I could really talk to about the situation. She told me how she was being treated and how she was being talked to. I wasn't very surprised but I was that things progressed enough to have an effect on her job. Yet we ended the conversation on a good note and she feels much better about the outcome of their friendship or lack of.

See in my situation I guess I should have seen the trend of past fallouts that our mutual friend had been into with other females. This probably should have been my first sign or red flag. I, at the time was just too naive and didn't pay any attention. I'm glad that I have distanced myself from her because my life has been moving in a positive direction! I don't have her negative pull on my life nor her thoughts of dreadful future.

I guess things really do happen for a reason and that call I got just showed me that I wasn't wrong in my decision to let that friendship go.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just Another Day

OMG, working out gives you motivation because you see people and feel like "Dang I really don't want to look like that...let me do ten more minutes" or "DANG, I need to add 10 more minutes on so I can look like THAT!!" Well at least thats how it is for me! Today was a pretty good work out though, I actually just did some cardio, which I need to do. I was told thats how I can get rid of this baby fat (can I really still call it baby fat even though I'm 23...well I am)!!

Let me tell you about work last night! Haha! Sorry its just funny thinking about it. So this man comes in and wants to put a $1.00 on pump number 9 because his car broke down some where down the street. Side Note: He is carrying and waving around a McDonald's Large Sweet Tea Cup while talking to me. So I take the money and put it on the pump and ask him "Sir, I don't believe you can use that cup to put gas in", He just waves me off and continues out the door. So my fellow employee and I watch out the window as this man attempts to put this gas in this foam McDonald's cup! It begins to flow and that cup got ate UP by that gas!! Haha He begin to wave the cup around and throw it on the ground. He started looking through the trash and found...ANOTHER McDonald's Large Sweet Tea Cup. He placed the nozzle in the cup and once again for the SECOND time the cup got ATE up by the gas!! He throw both cups in the trash and begin digging in the trash can. He finally found a gallon jug and filled that up..it worked! Oh how my customers provided me with such entertainment...I just thought I would share!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Re-Connect and Make Moves

The day has really been laid back, which is how I like my Sundays to be! This weekend was wonderful though! I re-connected with some friends that I had lost contact with since my other room mate and I exchanged some words. My boyfriend and I meet up with my roomie at this place called Down Under. I never knew that place existed and I had a lot of fun!! It was for EJ's mixtape release and birthday celebration all rolled into one. I introduced my boyfriend and everyone was like "Oh this is who you are with all the time." Haha yes yes this is him! :) We really enjoyed ourselves and had a wonderful time. My roomie, boyfriend, and I took the dance floor and got down. We were mostly goofying off and making up our own little dances. It was nice to be out since I don't usually get to go out that much. I'm so tired all the time due to working and school. Saturday night was great as well, since my boyfriend and I attended the Kappa Psi Psi Ball. It felt like Prom but college (if that makes since). Everyone was dressed up and looked very elegant. I wore a tight black dress similar to the picture but not exactly while my boyfriend worn some black slacks with a very nice collared shirt and tie plus a jacket. I mingled and chat with some of the females there and everyone was really nice. It was a warm atmosphere and everyone was just having fun. I saw a few people that I knew and meet plenty of new ones as well.

Yet when it was all done, I felt like I was really missed by my friends at Down Under. I mean I know that things were said and done but they were actually very happy to see me and I was happy to see them too! We hugged and got caught up with whats been really going on in our lives. It felt good and I'm happy that I went. I'm just glad I made the choice to go to both events because it got us out of our cycle and it was nice to be out in such a relaxed atmosphere.

I hope you had a great weekend too!! Now time to get back to school work and ready for these last few weeks of school.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hummm, kinda stuffy and my head feels like its under water! I keep having to swallow so hard, because my throat feels...funny. I actually don't know whats going on with my body any more these days. I think I have allergies, but now I'm not too sure. I could be getting sick because there is something going around, which would totally sux since the semester is almost over and I really need to study now!! Colds come at the worse times.
Besides that, today should be a great day! I'm going to make it a great day by smiling..even though I don't feel like it. There is research that that actually does help! The past few days have been a big blur, I didn't do much but study some here and there and play farmville on facebook. I'm beginning to slow down on facebook farmville, but they have this new thing called co-opt, which is so cool. So I've been on that for a while, trying to recruit people to help me grow some crops! I'm almost done with one and I'm just so thrilled! I'll update you on my progress!!


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