I normally don't speak on relationships so much but it's February...the month of Love!
The interesting thing about relationships is the "what's next" factor. All relationships reach that point... whether both partners are beginning to ask themselves that or merely one. We all want to know.. "Does my relationship have what it takes to turn into a long-term commitment or is this just something to do to pass the time." I've never been one to have a relationship that was "just for fun." I never saw the point in it and I never wanted to just "play relationship" as some people do. (I guess that's why my heart has been broken a few times....I'm hoping the right one has finally come to me) but let me continue.

So when your relationship does reach that point because you do eventually
think about the
future....questions begin to
pop into your head. "Can I
deal with how he clips his toes in the bed...Or can I
deal with the amount of drool she leaves on the pillow.." Haha the list can just go on. Then
deeper questions come into play such as "Do
we work well together....will
he/she make a good
parent...can I live with this person for the rest of my life." In order to help out in this matter, there are hundreds of sites that help people figure out if their current relationship has what it takes to go the mile. I've stumbled onto a webpage
10 Qualities of Great Marriages | hitched: (I know it says marriage but if your serious about your relationship you should eventually want it to go in that direction right; wouldn't you like to check and see if your current relationship posses the top 10 qualities to make it)...
After ready the article some key words stood out to me "Friendship" and "Communication." These qualities are so important to me because once you have a solid friendship with someone, its so easy to talk to them! You feel more comfortable telling them your fears, weakness, and how you truly feel about different situations. I think they go hand in hand myself. Once your relationship has a strong sense of friendship...the communication should come naturally. I mean best friend type of friendship...The kind that you tell everything to!
If you don't feel that my two qualities are that important then check out the site and see which ones you feel are important to you. Or better yet...which 10 qualities does your relationship have.....all or just some....