School, School, School.....once you finish you soon realize that you must go back! My roommate has decided that after
two years of being graduated, she wants to return.
See, you would assume that if you go back to school and get more educated, then you get paid more. Well in most instances yes, but in others well no. I say no, because in these times that means that companies have to come out the pocket more to pay you and really who wants to do that?
Companies have had to lay people off to save
money. In some cases people with less experience are being
fired, while in a few cases the people with more experience are being
laid off. Why is that?
Companies have found a way to save getting rid of the people that make more. Now I understand that from a business stand point that this would make sense but from a personable stand point this in kinder words sucks! A person goes to school to become more
marketable and some end up gettting
fired after a few years because they are costing the company too much money!
Seems like
everyone in America is trying to make some type of cash flow now a days especially since everything around you is going up but your pay. For instance, my job has
frozen all those that are next up for a raise and another job has told their employees that raises are
frozen for two years. This is forcing people to get
two or even
three jobs just to hold on to their house and some just to have enough left over to eat!
Sorry about that, I get carrried away sometimes. Well I believe my roommate has a chance, since she is a
teacher. There is a great need for
teachers. We'll talk about teachers some other time too!